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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Duh Diagnosis

Posted by fxckfeelings on April 18, 2013

Whether it’s mental illness, high blood pressure, or Bieber Fever, finding out that you or a loved one has a chronic, incurable condition stirs up feelings that you must learn to manage if they aren’t to manage you. Instead of attempting to change what you can’t or fleeing into comforting activities with bad hangovers, gather your courage and learn about actual risks and the limits of treatment. If you do that and avoid panic, self-medication, and/or dubious musical choices, you’ll become effective at helping yourself while staying focused on your life rather than your disease.
Dr. Lastname

I met the greatest girl six months ago—she’s smart, hard-working, and we share the same values, so it’s not just an infatuation based on her looks or laugh or whatever. As I was getting to know her, I was thinking she’s the sort of person I would want to have a family with. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I got the feeling that she was getting a little…weird? She wasn’t sleeping, and was working obsessively on random stuff like color-coding the bookshelves, couldn’t stay focused, even while driving, which was pretty scary. Then last week, she started to talk fast/non-stop and text our friends about how great our sex was. The next thing I knew she was in the hospital, where I now understand she’s been once before, and her parents tell me she’s bipolar. I’m really not discouraged about her having a mental illness freak-out, I just want to find a way to help and also not let this get in the way of our relationship.

We tag every post on this side with “acceptance,” and that’s because it’s central, not just to dealing with life’s problems and getting to use the iTunes store, but in terms of long-term relationships. Acceptance isn’t easy for most, but it’s clear you have full faith in your girlfriend, in sickness and in health.

The downside to such natural, positive acceptance, however, is the lack of screening process for the life you wish to share with her; if you’re looking for a partner, you also have to ask whether her illness will allow her to do the job. Your relationship is rooted in something real, but so is her illness. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Good Mortals

Posted by fxckfeelings on April 15, 2013

Like a pain threshold, need to buy a Hank Williams record, and Jesus, a true appreciation of what’s important only seems to become clear when our lives seem most meaningless or most precious. When everything seems to be going wrong for yourself, or a loved one is going through his or her last days, you can feel like a helpless, frustrated loser, at least at first. Once you realize, however, that you’re just a human being who doesn’t have much control over the really bad things in life, you can stop feeling like a loser and start gaining perspective about what’s really important, like doing good and being good, with or without country music.
Dr. Lastname

I am 40 years old and have gone from a size 4 to a size 14 in very little time. Basically, I love food and drink, but I also take spin classes three times a week. I feel like no one will ever love me for who I am “on the inside” now that I’ve gotten this big, especially because I didn’t have a boyfriend until I got skinny in college. I had been seeing a therapist for four years, but my limited funds have gotten in the way. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t think that to be loved meant to be thin. I want to convince myself that, like so many before me, being big doesn’t mean being unlovable, and to be ok with my weight, because I am beautiful with it (right?). How do I put my self-confidence out there again? I have a bunch of Percocets from a recent surgery, and while body image is not the only thing I struggle with, I think about those pills all the time. To date, they have been my medal of honor. They are here, and I am strong enough to leave them there, so far. Help.

It’s hard not to be lonely, dateless, and getting nowhere with diet and exercise, without feeling bad about your life. You feel ugly inside and out, in an ugly, unfair world, often from the vantage point of on an ugly, un-fun fake bike.

You want to empower yourself and you’re willing to work hard, but when nothing’s going your way, the confidence often just doesn’t come and the weight won’t go away. That doesn’t mean, however, that you’re a failure, or even that the world is quite as ugly as it seems.

It means you’re not lucky, at least not yet, even though you’re doing lots of good things to make your life better. You’re doing right by yourself, but as much as we all like to get inspired by stories of self-empowerment, the truth is, it has its limits. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Best Self-Exam

Posted by fxckfeelings on March 28, 2013

Addiction is easier to understand if you picture it as a mental squatter, the way advertising for nasal decongestants depicts mucus as a working class family that happens to be gooey, green, and getting by in your sinuses. Even when people are strongly motivated to stop compulsive or addictive behavior, their addiction is often one step ahead of them, distorting their thinking to undermine their efforts and stay put. In some cases, they are so obsessed with the self-perceived ugliness of their bad habit that they can’t consider more important reasons for stopping, while in other cases, they are so obsessed with finding their addiction’s ultimate cause that they wind up blaming people who care the most and could offer the most help in their recovery/to send the addiction packing. If you’re ready to quit, avoid stoking up feelings of self-disgust or blame; instead, prepare to tolerate pain without blame while looking for positive reasons to manage lingering inner demons and keep them from setting up house.
Dr. Lastname

I think I meet the clinical definition of having an eating disorder (at least, according to the all-knowing and all-powerful Wikipedia). For the past four years I have been binge eating and semi-purging through excessive laxative use. Before that, for about two years, I was probably somewhat anorexic, although I say this in retrospect as I don’t think I either realized or would have admitted it at the time. (5’2” and less than 90 lbs. is pretty thin, though). My goal is to stop binge eating, and I don’t know how. My eating and obsession with food have basically taken over my life, and though I fight it and things have gotten better than they were a year or two ago, I’m constantly afraid of when I will binge next. I don’t trust myself at all. It affects my professional life, and I need to stop letting that happen. I miss the self-control and feelings of power and self-worth that my thinness used to give me. I realize that going back to that is not exactly a healthy goal, though. I’d frankly be pretty pleased if I could just stop binging and get on with my life.

It’s hard to underestimate how all-consuming an eating disorder can be; as you obsess about the ways to keep food out of your body, it becomes the main occupant of your mind. Every moment spent avoiding the act of eating requires twice as many moments of mental torment on the subject.

Then there are endless concerns about your appearance, feelings of worthlessness, compulsive behaviors, and the intense ties between them. Eating disorders foster a kind of self-obsession, a dependence on your own thoughts and secret behaviors that devalues other goals and relationships.

It’s not surprising then that managing an eating disorder requires, not more self-control, but an acceptance that you’ve lost control and a willingness to admit other people, like family and therapists, into your private, obsessive relationship with food. It’s not unlike the so-called First Step of managing an addiction—admitting your helplessness and recognizing the importance of values other than your needs and shame. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Family Canning

Posted by fxckfeelings on March 25, 2013

Some families are horrible to live with because, although everyone means well, their individual suffering and sensitivity make them act badly, while, with other families, a rejection-sensitive demon-spawn who does not mean well is torturing the clan from within and acting like a terrible beast. So, before letting your own family-focused feelings drive you into conflict or away from the fold, ask yourself how well your family members can behave and under what circumstances. Sometimes better behavior management can help their good intentions overcome their bad moods; other times, the only way to help is to build a solid wall, slip out the door, and solder it shut, like you mean it.
Dr. Lastname

I feel like the depression and anxiety issues of my husband and three sons is literally sucking the life out of me. There are days here and there when one of them will be in a good mood, but for the most part it’s gloom and doom, and their inability to make a decision about ANYTHING has become equally exhausting. I know they can’t “snap out of it”, just “get over it” etc., and they’re all receiving professional care…but honestly, after a couple of years of this, I’m wearing down. I have lupus, and while I’m generally a positive, happy sort of person, I’m at the point where I really do need their assistance sometimes. I’m starting to feel like my hair could be on fire and no one would even notice, much less get up to help. Sometimes I can get one of them to take the dog out, or bring the laundry downstairs, but it practically takes an act of congress to make it happen…and we all know how that process goes. I want to be supportive, and feel I’ve done my best to be patient and tolerant…but how do I protect my own health and sanity while this situation drags on?

If your family has turned into a misery association that is dragging you down, imagine if it was possible to quit your current family and find a new one. After all, If a workplace is often compared to a family, then it should not be hard to picture leaving your position at Misery and Frustration Inc. for a position elsewhere.

This fantasy also forces you to think about your own goals in life, aside from your response to their depressed feelings and unhelpful, apathetic behavior. As a parent, it’s easy to put those things on the back-burner while you try to make them happy, but as a professional, you’re supposed to think about what needs to get done before quitting time. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Balk Therapy

Posted by fxckfeelings on March 14, 2013

Most of us feel driven to help someone who’s in pain, whether they want it or not, but as sitcoms, Jodie Foucault books, and alcoholics have tried to teach us over and over again, stepping in to relieve or prevent suffering isn’t always a good idea. The sad reality is that lots of pain can’t be helped, and the sufferer is the only one who can make the tough decisions required to manage that pain effectively. Helping, then, is often less a matter of providing relief and more of encouraging people to ignore pain that they can’t change and take credit for the good things they do about it. The outcome isn’t as dramatic as it is when you attempt to rescue someone, but it’s often a lot more meaningful for everyone involved.
Dr. Lastname

I’m a resident advisor in a college dorm (it’s free room and board, and I’m a psych grad student, so it’s training of sorts), but I’m stuck because I don’t know how to help one of the kids on my floor. He’s severely depressed and it’s complicated by the fact that his parents, who are Middle Eastern, don’t believe in mental illness and think he’s supposed to just get over it, so they won’t pay for treatment and would probably accuse him of shaming the family if they knew he got it. For a couple years, he was cutting his arms while keeping it a secret and not letting it affect his grades. Lately he says he’s stopped cutting but often thinks of suicide and sometimes gets into a strange, spacey state of mind where he’s caught himself standing on balconies and thinking about jumping. He’s a good kid and he denies being traumatized (I think he might be in the closet, and with his parents, I understand why he’s afraid to come out), but he obviously needs help. My goal is to find him the help he needs.

Before trying to help someone who’s suicidal and restricted by his own beliefs from getting help, you’ve got to remind yourself that your powers are sharply limited, and that, even under the best circumstances—if you had a practice and he was a willing patient—his case would be a challenge. This is the stuff they don’t teach you in school, or you’d switch your degree to finance.

You can coach him on his options, but the alternatives are all painful and there’s no guarantee of relief, so don’t expect to make him feel better; what you can do, however, is help him see his choices as meaningful and positive. In other words, if the desire to heal others is what’s driving your degree, it’s time to begin your coursework for Life is Unfair 101. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

The Bitter Friend

Posted by fxckfeelings on March 11, 2013

Many women think that having a friend turn on you is just a call for better communication, deep soul-searching, and improved understanding, but “turning” as acceptable behavior is reserved for werewolves and superheroes, not friends; anyone who turns on you is probably not a friend worth fighting for, and such reaching out usually causes more harm than good. Instead of hoping to find a TV-like misunderstanding, unknown secret identity, or even a way to even the score, learn to accept the fact that friendships are not always forever. Stay true to your standards for friendship and learn strength and better rules for admitting people (without supernatural powers or super-Asshole-like tendencies) into your inner circle.
Dr. Lastname

Recently one of my best friends arranged a party with some of our mutual friends and purposely did not invite me and avoided my phone calls (which I only realized after). I feel like she’s just stuck her middle finger at me– she knew what she did, it wasn’t a mistake as she’s already tried to cover it up which is the part that hurt the most. We’ve been good friends for over 9 years and this is the first time anything like this has happened. I was in shock and have not been able to stop thinking about it and why she would do that. I take my few close friendships very seriously and the friends that I do have I spend time on and treat with respect. I would never treat her the way she treated me. I haven’t talked to her about the way I feel, and to be honest, I don’t even know what to say…knowing her she would blow it over and pretend it was nothing. She gossips a lot about her other friends and now I can’t help but now wonder what she says about me. I’m so angry right now that I don’t want to talk to her anyway and plan on not answering the phone if/when she calls, but I guess my goal is to figure out if I should just move on and focus on my other friendships or try to resolve this. I hate losing a friend but I can’t trust her now and even if there is a way to resolve this our friendship is already different/altered.

F*ck Feelings has always encouraged a pragmatic approach to romantic relationships, and while friendships don’t have the same bottom line that marriages do, they do have a purpose, even if it’s not as grand as raising healthy kids, making a happy home, peaceably sharing space on the DVR, etc.

It’s hard to consider the purpose of friendship in the midst of feeling hurt and betrayed by an old friend, but it’s useful, because friendship isn’t just for the good feelings of shared secrets, emotions, shoes, etc.

It also connects you in complicated ways to family and community, so that an open falling-out with one friend, no matter how well justified, can cause unintended damage to other relationships, including ones that lie closer to your heart or are important to your ideals. For instance, confronting and losing this one friend may cause a domino effect, but instead of all the other connection friends falling down, they’ll all fall-out with you. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »


Posted by fxckfeelings on March 4, 2013

I don’t know who wrote the book of love, but it appears to lack a solid ending; it may lead you through the rules of finding and loving someone, but it’s useless when it comes to telling you how to break up a bad relationship, or even friendship, with someone you simply can’t stop thinking about. While it has been written that you can’t control love, there should at least be an appendix directing you to respect how much toughness love takes, and how much pain you’ll have to bear, in order to move on. Then you would know how to take what you’ve learned from the failed relationship to find someone and make something better, and return to chapter one.
Dr. Lastname

I have recently let go of a friendship with a narcissist. She meets the standard criteria for being a narcissist and has a Bi-Polar 2 disorder confirmed by a therapist, but it seems I was the last to realize as I was so incredibly caught up in her cycle of “needing” me only to be treated appallingly in between. I am finally in a happy place in my life after a lot of work and therapy and haven’t been able to “help” her as much as I used to as I now have a fulfilling job and support network. She has lashed out at me and I had let go of the friendship, but now I am having types of flashbacks where I can finally see how badly I was treated over the years and I am so disappointed in myself that I put up with it. She has been trying to contact me but I have ignored her, as I read No Contact is best with a narcissist but part of me wants to tell her to get serious help but I know I won’t be heard. I am confused, hurt and feel like I have been living a friendship lie for over twenty years. Please help me to move on.

Though they say that madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, people who compulsively give of themselves to help others, no matter how hopeless the cause or ungrateful the recipient, tend to dodge that age-old observation and be seen less as insane and more as saints.

While you now recognize your former friend’s talent for taking without giving, you need to acknowledge your own help-aholic tendencies and how they got you into this mess in the first place. Otherwise, you might end up in a similar friendship, or worse, driven to try to get this person “serious help” one last time, and either way, it’s nuts. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Unemployment Fate

Posted by fxckfeelings on February 18, 2013

When people who are both highly motivated and deeply depressed get unhappy with their own poor job performance, regardless of how little control they have over it, they often do something that makes it worse—walking out, acting out, and forcing themselves to play out the same scenario over and over again with jobs that either ask too little or too much. Obviously, you deserve better from yourself when you’re trying hard and can’t get good results, particularly when you must keep on performing, regardless of how badly you do or how tired you feel. There’s nothing wrong with pushing yourself when you’re sick, as long as you apply the right expectations.
Dr. Lastname

I’ve suffered from insomnia for years, and it’s only getting worse. I’m now on anti-depressants to try and combat the extreme lows of being constantly exhausted. I feel like my life is being dictated by the insomnia. I have had to quit a job, my social life suffers, I don’t enjoy anything I used to, everyday is a challenge to get through. If I had the choice I would choose not to go on it is just so debilitating. Currently, I manage to hold down two part-time positions that are very much “beneath” my education and experience, and only because one of them is casual and I can get away with not going in once a week or so when I feel like I can’t move. I know I’m a good worker but when the exhaustion gets the better of me. I feel like I perform poorly. Recently I’ve been offered a really good job, based on my past experience and friendly, pleasant, easy-going manner. My rested self would take the job in a second and count myself lucky to get in to such a great company. My exhausted self thinks I can’t do it and what happens when they find out I’m tired all the time and not as motivated as my resume would indicate. I probably could do the job but I just can’t make any decisions when I’m like this. Or should I just stay put and count myself lucky to be able to hold down these two jobs? I used to be ambitious and motivated with goals in life; now I’m just letting those go out the window while trying to get through each day. My goal is to figure out how to live with this in the best way possible, and how to make realistic decisions that are right for me based on my health without letting the insomnia make decisions for me.

While depression primarily messes with your head, the disease has clever ways of messing with your body, as well; it becomes a chicken-or-egg situation, with one wondering whether it was the misery that begat the exhaustion/inability to eat/constant hunger/etc., or vice versa.

Sleep disturbance is one of the worst symptoms of depression, which may include sleeping too much, too little, and at the wrong times, along with helpless fatigue and an irregular sleep-wake cycle that puts you out of step with the rest of the world. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Color Me Obsessed

Posted by fxckfeelings on February 14, 2013

To paraphrase Keyser Soze in “The Usual Suspects,” the greatest trick mental illness pulls is convincing the sick person it doesn’t exist. Either through making you feel perpetually insecure or unbelievably happy and confident, mental illness’ true gift is preventing you from knowing you have an illness and thus blocking you or the people who love you from helping you. Acknowledging you’re unwell may be hard news to face, but it gives you two valuable gifts; the opportunity to manage your illness, and the ability to spare yourself responsibility for the feelings and thoughts your illness can cause. You may never exorcise your illness entirely, but you can learn to identify it before it limps away with your life.
Dr. Lastname

I wonder if I could have OCD and if I should consider getting evaluated. I spend a lot of time going over social interactions and thinking about what I should have done differently. Often I get very silly fears about having hurt my friends’ feelings and need to apologize or get reassurance that things are OK, or asking my friends/husband for reassurance about things I may have done to upset/hurt someone else. I am constantly questioning my own perceptions and have a very, very difficult time making even minor decisions (like whether to save or throw out leftovers). My husband claims that I shower 3x longer than most people and thinks I avoid showers for that reason. I am very slow and meticulous at almost everything I do (gardening) and wish I was different. I don’t have any unusual fear of germs though I do work in a lab and sterile technique is a big part of my job. There have been times when a 1-2 hour task took me 3 hours because I was behaving so irrationally about sterilizing the instruments (and I knew this). Sometimes though I think maybe I want to have OCD because otherwise there could be something even worse wrong with me.

Your obsessive worries probably have a positive side, in that they make you very, very good at your work using sterile technique in a lab, but make you very, very miserable in the process.

While the fact that you hold down an exacting job and have friends and a husband to pester with worrisome questions means that your constant worries haven’t stopped you from doing what’s important, unfortunately, that support team hasn’t stopped your constant worries or the worrying about worrying. So, while being obsessive isn’t all bad and hasn’t impaired your life too much, it doesn’t make you feel too good, either. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Pride Effects

Posted by fxckfeelings on February 11, 2013

For people who suffer from mental (or almost any serious) illness, finding the right course of treatment is a lot like dating; the goal is to find a match that’s steady, provides what you need (even if it provides some minor things you don’t), and gets along with/doesn’t burden your family. The risk of side effects—not side effects themselves, but their risk—is like the risk of wasting time with jerks, unavoidable for almost every treatment, and weighing those risks against the need for treatment and its benefits is what makes medical decision-making tough. Since you probably wouldn’t go for an arranged marriage (or even a matchmaker on Bravo), you shouldn’t assume your doctor is responsible for finding a safe, no-side-effect treatment while you sit back and wait. Nerve yourself to do the research, face the risks involved and then give yourself credit for the required courage, no matter how many medicinal Mr. Wrongs you face along the way.
Dr. Lastname

I’m glad my wife was finally helped by her third antidepressant, because she’s now a lot less grumpy with me and the kids and she no longer seems touchy and unhappy all the time. The trouble now is that she’s less interested in sex that she was before, if that’s possible, and it leaves me feeling frustrated and ignored. It’s sad, because we used to have great sex and it always brought us together, and now we’re under greater stress than ever and she acts like sex is just more work. I don’t want to sound like her wanting to have sex is more important than her not being depressed, but I can’t pretend her total lack of interest isn’t hard to deal with. Surely there’s a better solution to her depression, so my goal is to help her find it.

I wish I could tell you that the treatments for depression are surefire and reliable, but they aren’t. This is due partly to the mysterious nature of the brain, but also because no doctor worth his or her salt will tell you that any treatment is 100% effective, 100% of the time. Even Athlete’s Foot can be tricky (and also decrease libido, at least for one’s spouse).

That said, finding the medication and/or therapy to relieve depression is especially tricky, so it’s important to remember that whenever you hear the words “this treatment has proven effective,” what they mean is “better, on average, than nothing.” So, unfortunately, there may be no treatment better than the one your wife is now taking, even though it’s the worst for her sex drive. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

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