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Friday, January 24, 2025

Love’s Slaves

Posted by fxckfeelings on September 22, 2011

No matter how many times we say that no love is so powerful that it should render one powerless, we keep getting emails about broken hearts, broken promises, and the resulting broken lives. When love pushes you to fuck up your life and/or someone else’s, it’s your choice to either fight to stay in control or say, well, love is all you want, so whatever happens must be worthwhile. You might be in love, but you’re not without choices. And if/when you make the wrong choice, you can always choose to write us.
Dr. Lastname

When my son was born 30 years ago, I met two other moms and we became friends. Although with partners, we shared the same interests and our kids got along well, and we spent the next years as very good friends doing lots of things together and with the children-one of those friends even married my brother (one son and three years later, they divorced). At the same time, I met a new partner (I was now separated from my son’s father), and we spent the next 27 years having a very on-off relationship. It’s difficult to sum up all those years but I think I can say that I probably cried through most of it! I should have left, I didn’t, he wasn’t committed, I was, I wanted a family life, he didn’t. I’m not perfect and I didn’t always behave well. Five years ago he had a son by another, not partner, woman and when that didn’t work out he and I got together again. Then last year, I invited my friend/ex sister-in-law to lunch with us, and they got together. The shock was immense … and it’s not so much the loss of either but this terrible feeling that I have been used as a sort of dating service by my friend and I just can’t get rid of this feeling of betrayal. It’s now a year on and I haven’t seen them since, and the emotional hurt is a lot less– I have done lots of new things, made new friends, and life is rosier, but I have this constant anxiety that this friend is going to take someone else from me – my sister? my other brother? and, worst of all, I have this strange fear that it will be my son. I would like to be happy for my ex and my friend, but I can’t. I protect myself by staying away but I have this huge sense of loss that I have lost this whole part of my life. I need to let go of this underlying anxiety that I am going to lose someone to her again.

When it comes to kids, we expect parents not to expose them to unnecessary rejections and losses from adults they’ll get attached to, who will then go away. When it comes to how parents protect their own hearts, however, the same standards don’t seem to apply, even though, as your experience shows, they really should.

Yes, I understand, you’ve loved a guy for 27 years, but it was always off-and-on, causing you intermittent heartache and wasting your opportunity for something better. You wouldn’t have needed a shrink, psychic, or your average plumber to predict a sad end to all you invested in him and his family.

That doesn’t mean your love was meaningless or less than real. It was powerful, at least for you. Like a good mother, however, your job is to protect yourself from real attachments that can’t work, and you haven’t done that. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Forced Exposure

Posted by fxckfeelings on August 29, 2011

The mistake most people make when they want to improve someone they love (or even themselves) is to share their unfiltered, unabridged negative feelings as a source of motivation. They’re right, of course, it is a powerful source of motivation—to avoid you and your criticism like the plague. When you want to make someone better, keep the negativity in check while you urge someone, often yourself, to think reasonably about what will work out better. Being close to someone doesn’t give you the right to unload; be a sibling second, an amateur shrink first.
Dr. Lastname

I’ve always been close to my younger brother but I kept quiet about my objections to the woman he married, although she sure came with baggage—a mean ex-husband and 2 unhappy kids. Recently, however, it turned out that the mean ex-husband wasn’t entirely wrong, and she is indeed self-centered, bossy, and nasty and shows very little respect to my brother or, in one memorable episode, our parents. When she cussed out my mother, I’d had enough, and let him know I thought she’d gone too far. Since then, as you might guess, my brother has not been eager to talk to me and certainly doesn’t want to talk about his marriage, even though my main feelings for him are positive and protective. I would do anything to get him to seek help, since he won’t talk to anyone in the family, but I don’t know how to get through to him. So how can I get him to talk to someone?

There’s a common notion that shrinks are good at getting through to loved ones who won’t listen to anyone else; that a psychiatrist can double as a spiritual Sherpa, able to guide the stubborn up Mount Issues to the Summit of Personal Insight.

What people forget is that shrinks aren’t Sherpas, we’re strangers—we lack facts and a vivid, first-hand impression about whatever the rotten thing is that they should be advised against—and there’s no reason to believe a stranger can succeed where a sibling can’t.

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Friends With Agruments

Posted by fxckfeelings on August 15, 2011

If you’re going to get into a fist fight, you should certainly size up your opponent before you take the first swing. The same is true for verbal arguments, especially when they’re with those close to you; you may feel entitled to lay into your spouse/sibling with blow after blow of invective, but if s/he fights dirty, or if you turn out to be outnumbered, you’re better off putting your dukes down, or, even better, rejecting the brawl all together. After all, you have a choice beyond standing up or shutting up; if you believe that you’ve done no wrong, then you have the power to shut it down.
Dr. Lastname

I don’t know if my goal is to be less critical of my husband, or for my husband to be less sensitive to criticism. Here’s an example: the other day, he almost ran out of gas when we were on a trip together, so I asked him why he didn’t just stop when he had the chance, and he said it’s because I said I was in a hurry and made him tense, and that I always distract him and get him to make mistakes. In other words, his mistake became my fault. Then I stopped talking, and he accused me of giving him the silent treatment and being unwilling to talk things out, but really, if I’d opened my mouth I would have let him have it, and he probably would’ve crashed the car in a rage and blamed me for distracting him. So you tell me if there’s a better goal than just shutting the fuck up and keeping my distance.

If only there was a service, or maybe just an app, that could determine which spouse had the nastier tone of voice in a marital dispute, because in marriage, it’s so often not what you say, but how you say it. That’s why men are always encouraged to just keep their mouths shut and let the roses or diamonds do the talking.

What you’re really asking, however, is not whether you were right to be annoyed or wrong to criticize your husband, but whether his negative response justifies your distancing yourself.

In other words, you can’t decide whether withdrawal is necessary, or if you’re just sulking. So it’s not what or how he says it, but what or how (or if) you should say something back.

The answer isn’t to submit your argument to the court of internet psychiatric opinion, but to decide for yourself when it’s right to withdraw, whether or not you’re angry and/or hurt. Some people would say that the only way to get through a marital argument is to share your feelings, try to solve the problem, and never go to bed angry. I would bet money those people are single. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Your Inner Outcast

Posted by fxckfeelings on August 4, 2011

On the road of life (which we’re assuming exists outside of car commercials), sometimes other people, not just strange places, can make you feel like a stranger. In either case, the feeling is painful, not easy to change, and a great source of my revenue. If you know you’ve done your best along the way, however, whether you feel you belong or not, you can stay on course since you’re not a stranger to yourself.
Dr. Lastname

I’m a quality inspector and recently had cause to turn in a worker after I caught him fudging his work in a way that made the workplace unsafe (I made a copy of his logbook before he could fake his report). Well, since then I’ve been getting the cold shoulder from his supervisor, who says I was mean to get him fired and trying to suck up to my boss, but the truth is, I think our quality has been slipping and this worker was cutting too many corners and needed to be fired (though it wasn’t my decision). It’s painful to be shunned by guys I’ve worked with for years, however, and I wonder, if they understood how upsetting and unfair it was, they might be persuaded to stop.

Despite the value put on employment by the current recession, a job is just a job. It might feel like a family, a career, a definition of your identity, a source for your self-esteem. In truth, it just keeps you in rent and car payments.

The real meaning of a job, then, is what you give to it. If you do what you think is a good day’s work, that’s where your pride and self-esteem should come from.

It shouldn’t come from what the boss or your co-workers say, or from any expectation that good work will be recognized or rewarded with approval, a raise, or security. You did the right thing, you’ve got reason to be proud, even if everyone else has a reason to give you shit. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Ethical Treatment

Posted by fxckfeelings on July 25, 2011

Most times, people assume they have values if they want to do good and punish the wicked. You should know, however, that, since punishing the wicked feels good, it probably isn’t good for you (or for anyone). Real values take into account the fact that many good deeds end up badly, and doing the right thing is often frustrating because you can’t control how it turns out. Still, if you stay true to what you think is right, no matter how it feels in the short-run, you might not feel good, but you’ll feel good about yourself.
Dr. Lastname

A lot of your responses seminal components point to having the questioners turn their attention to their ‘values.’ Can you please elucidate a bit on how you define said values with regards to the context you utilize said term, as well as how to go about developing such a core set of values when one feels that he or she has none?

Values are whatever make you feel like a good person, aside from just feeling good because you’re feeling good (e.g. by enjoying what you’re doing, or having a good talk, or getting good feedback, or just being lucky).

In other words, there are lots of perfectly constructive ways to feel good that aren’t bad for your health, but they’re like a sunny day. They represent good luck, which means you don’t control them, and if you make it your goal to feel good, it’s like giving yourself responsibility for good weather. You’ll be sorry (and I’ll be working).

Values, on the other hand, have nothing to do with your luck and are under your control, because you can always try to do something you think is worth doing, whether you get it done or not. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Cancer Answers

Posted by fxckfeelings on July 21, 2011

Talking to a partner about their cancer often leads people to become nervous and tentative. They may feel guilty for being the healthy party, or afraid to say the wrong thing and trigger painful feelings, and it’s that sort of distance that can lead to cancer of the relationship. If your partner has cancer, don’t freeze up; respect your usual shared goals, values, and reasons for making decisions, and treat him or her as your respected friend and not a cancer victim. Take the disease in stride, or the disease will take much, much more.
Dr. Lastname

My boyfriend went through hell from chemotherapy, but I don’t know what to do with his depression and irritability. We’d been dating about a year and planning to get married when he found out he had a nasty kind of cancer and, since then, he’s been brave about chemo and going on with his life, which has meant working when he’s feeling OK, and our moving in together and being partners. Usually, we get along well, but lately he’s been depressed and telling me he knows he’s a burden, he can’t get much done, and he just wants to be alone. I want him to get help for his depression and stop the negative thinking but I don’t want to attack him or make him feel I don’t respect the fact that he has cancer.

One of the things you always hear from people in pain is that you, the lucky one, “just don’t understand.” It’s the rallying cry of the suffering, whether they’re coping with cancer, or just being between the ages of 10 and 18.

What sick people often fail to realize, at least at first, is that people who aren’t in their position understand things that they can’t; after all, you might have the good luck not know what it’s like to have cancer, but you know what your boyfriend’s like when he’s not depressed, and you know this isn’t it. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

A Bleak Chorus

Posted by fxckfeelings on July 11, 2011

Some people feel compelled to solve other people’s problems by telling them what they did wrong, figuring that shame and the power of truth will get them to correct their mistakes. The truth is, the only thing shame motivates most people to do is sulk and make even stupider decisions. Instead, admit that most problems don’t actually have solutions, then be positive about the options that do exist. If you insist on piling on harsh truth, the real shame will be that you didn’t take our advice.
Dr. Lastname

I can’t figure out how to keep my daughter from falling into a depression. She’s a fine young woman (she’s 30) and was doing well until she got laid off, through no fault of her own. What worries me is that, whenever she doesn’t have school or a job to do, she gets into a funk, has trouble getting out of bed, starts to wonder whether she has skills that anyone will want, gives up her job search, and becomes depressed and immobilized. She got some treatment once, but it didn’t help much. What got her going in the past is that she’d eventually move to a new place and start over, and that worked. My goal is to help her avoid the meltdown and the need to re-locate every time her job fails.

Before trying to help a depressed person, remember—avoid sounding critical at all costs. They might deserve it, but they’re already dealing with an incredibly harsh, vocal critic who happens to live in their heads.

Don’t accidentally give advice that adds to that chorus, because you’ll just confirm what she already thinks of herself and make matters worse.

The usual way to develop a positive line is to concede the negative; tell her you think she’s prone to self-criticism and depression, because she is. Just don’t tell her to “get help.” WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

The Powerless Principle

Posted by fxckfeelings on July 7, 2011

Obviously, emotions are a powerful motivator, but they aren’t responsible for bad decisions—they just provide the fuel that your stupid idea needs to take flight. Ultimately, love can only make you a fool, and fear can only stymie you, if you allow them to. Don’t try to figure out why you’ve lost control, just admit you can and need to get it back. Stay dedicated to the idea that control is possible, if you’re prepared to take a position and stick with it before you crash and burn.
Dr. Lastname

I struggle not to fall for any man who isn’t already involved with a woman. Dating, engaged, married, I don’t care, so long as they’ve got someone who’s done the groundwork and has given them the tick of approval. I’m refusing to buy into the fact that there are no eligible men left in my city, but I need to know why it is I’m so sadistically falling for men I just can’t have.

The idea that we are all powerless to control love isn’t so much a romantic notion as it is an excuse. Obviously, we’re not all powerless to control hate, because the body count would be unreal (although it would make the competition on most reality shows more interesting).

In other words, just because you fall for someone doesn’t mean you should select them, or that falling needs to precede the selection process. You have control over your emotions, not vice versa.

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Let It Need

Posted by fxckfeelings on June 30, 2011

Needs, like the opposite sex, politicians, and DVRs, fall in the category of “can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em.” If someone who once met your needs does so no longer, it’s hard not to feel jilted (even if you never really checked their reliability in the first place), and if someone claims you haven’t met their needs, it’s hard not to feel guilty and/or unjustly accused (even if you never considered the possibility that they’re simply needy to a fault). When the feelings of met or unmet needs threaten to carry you away, rely on the facts and reasonable expectations to counter the helplessness of needing something you’ll probably have to learn to live without.
Dr. Lastname

Please Note: There will be no new post on Monday due to the American firework festivities. We’ll return to posting on Thursday, assuming we don’t blow our fingers off.

I never feel as though I ultimately have any power in a relationship beyond what’s given to me by the woman I’m with. The early stages always evolve easily, organically, the two of us meeting each other’s needs. I give a lot of myself and feel very happy and safe and good as she reciprocates. At some point, however, an imbalance always arises, and I find myself doubling-down on staying patient and compassionate while she’s acting less committed to meeting my needs. It leaves me feeling confused and betrayed, like I’m serving at her pleasure, and if I complain, then that’s it, it’s over. This happens again and again and I sense I’m missing a transitional skill set. I’m not going to stop being the type who invests a lot emotionally in a woman I want to be with. The question is, how do I transition out of that early, romantic stage into something that allows me to stay compassionate but preserves my self-respect as things invariably start to get complicated?

Questions like this are tricky, because at best they’re vague, and at worst, they’re a tad creepy, because they refer to girlfriends entirely in terms of their impact on your feelings, rather than the details of who they are and what they do in life.

Since we’re all about giving our readers the benefit of the doubt, we’ll assume that just pointing out that girlfriends are people doesn’t solve your problem. WAIT! There is more to read… read on »

Spousal Support

Posted by fxckfeelings on June 27, 2011

Sharing career decisions with your spouse may expose you to unwanted advice and criticism, but it can also remind you that you’re not in this world just to work; for instance, if Whitey Bulger consulted (one of his many) girlfriends about his on-the-job pressures, they might have helped him keep his murder count down (or they might have wound up dead themselves). In any case, what your spouse knows, potentially, is that it’s not healthy to build your self-confidence on your ability to work yourself like a criminal, and your urges to be a good worker can have wider costs, be they for your family or your freedom.
Dr. Lastname

I usually like my job, which is running the major gifts department of the development office of a medium sized-college, but lately I’ve been ready to tell the Board of Trustees where to get off. For the past 4 years we’ve had a reduced budget, like everyone else, and so I’ve tried to do more and volunteered to freeze my own salary, and the Board was appreciative. This past 6 months, however, I’ve been extra stressed by the fact that my assistant has been a no-show, for reasons of illness that I know are somewhat exaggerated, and the Board has been a lot more sympathetic about his problem than about the additional work that I and the rest of my team have had to do. My husband and I are not financially independent—we’ve got 2 kids in college—but I’ve had it. I’m ready to share my feelings with the Board Chairman. That’s my goal.

Gandhi is largely remembered as a selfless leader who starved and suffered for his people. It’s possible though that there is one person who remembered him quite differently, and that person, as we’ve stated before, is Mrs. Gandhi.

That’s because, by taking a vow of poverty, Gandhi signed up his wife and kids for a life of poverty, like it or not, even after he died (and whether or not he did this while shtupping a German weight-lifter is besides the point). He was a noble man, but a shitty husband and father.

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