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Sunday, March 23, 2025


The F*ck Feelings Guide for Individuals And Support Groups On How to Manage, Live With, and Generally Put Up With the Gift/Curse That Is PTSD

F*ckPTSD CoverFrom the brilliant New York Times bestselling authors of the “refreshingly blunt” (Harper’s Bazaar) F*ck Feelings and F*ck Love–the next installment from the Bennett Father/Daughter duo is inspired by a meeting with a veteran’s PTSD support group.

This book is free to anyone who needs it and is available for download by CLICKING HERE or on the banner below.

From the authors:

After co-authoring two successful books–one full of general advice (F*ck Feelings) and the other a guide to relationshops (F*ck Love)– it may seem like our writing a short guide to a specific ailment is an odd choice, especially since we intend to distribute it online, for free. After all, a smarter business plan would be to write another book for a wide audience about how another basic element of life can go fuck itself.

Aside from being a fun experiment, we also though our collaboration could be a nice tribute to Dr. Bennett’s mentor and the younger Bennett’s almost-uncle, the late Dr. Ted Nadelson, who was psychiatrist-in-chief at the Boston VA Medical Center.

So when we received an email via our website from a man leading a PTSD support group at the VA in Long Beach, CA, our minds were fully blown; in fact, this email remains the only one via our website that we’ve personally responded to, not because it was a threat so grave we had to get the FBI involved, but because this person, Nurse Jonas Jacoba, was writing to ask if he could use F*ck Feelings as a text for his group to use in their recovery. And that our book wasn’t just out in the world but was actually serving a purpose and acting as a perfect tribute to Ted was beyond anything we could have imagined or asked for.

Several months later, after writing and publishing F*ck Love, we went out to California to do some readings and met up with Mr. Jacoba and some members of his group over coffee and pancakes. They told us their stories, how their group came to be, and the issues they 1 continue to struggle with. We hope that meeting was as insightful to the veterans as it was to us, because we got the idea of this short book out of it (and a really delicious breakfast). Of course, because we also hope to protect their privacy and best reflect their needs, we’ve run this guide by them for their input and approval before releasing it to the public. Some of the material in this guide is taken directly from or adapted from our books while other material is new, drawn from what we discussed at that breakfast and the feedback those vets have given us since then.

While this guide was inspired by and shaped by veterans, it’s intended for anyone who lives with PTSD, whether the core trauma was caused by combat, child abuse, a random assault, etc. It is not, however, about figuring out whether you have PTSD, finding a cure, or discovering new treatments.

That’s because, as is true for most psychiatric illness, there’s no exact professional consensus on what the diagnosis means, what treatment will work best, or whether any treatment will work for a given individual. Instead, this guide will show you how to be realistic about your PTSD and stay patient and persistent while trying every reasonable treatment, seeing how much each one does or doesn’t help while learning how to live with the symptoms you’re left with.

In short, as always, we’re writing this with the hope it helps people, does right by Ted and those he worked so hard to help, and because, fuck it, we can.

-Dr. Michael and Sarah Bennett


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