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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

NEWS! The Book Cometh, Our Indentity Is Giveth Away!

Posted by fxckfeelings on March 3, 2014

Hello readers!

After dispensing advice on this website for five (five!) years as Dr. Lastname, we’re happy to announce that we’re about to put our advice in print, and under our actual names. The book, tentatively titled F*ck Feelings: One Shrink’s Practical Advice for Managing All of Life’s Impossible Problems, was recently acquired by the esteemed geniuses at Simon & Schuster, and is due for release in 2015.

Furthermore, it will be credited not to Dr. Lastname, but to Dr. Michael Bennett (he of the two Harvard degrees), and his daughter, Sarah Bennett, a comedy writer in New York (who has a BFA from not-Harvard, and can be read here and there on the internets).

More about us and the book as the release date approaches, but for now, we have to write the damned thing, which means taking off some time this summer. Until we can tell you more details, please continue to tell us about your problems, and we’ll keep answering, no matter what we call ourselves.

Dr. Lastname, aka, Dr. Bennett and not-Dr. Bennett

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